
Fast and easy setup with 1:1 founder support. No credit card required.

$150 per year
$15 per month
Full-Text Search

Any word or phrase on the page is enough to retrieve webpages you’ve saved.


Activate rules to automatically save documents, articles or other pages you visit.


Complete repetitive actions faster across the services you use; such as creating docs, calendar events, or new meetings.

Collections & Workspaces

Next time you switch tasks, change projects or end your day, just save your session to instantly pick up where you left off.


Import to webpages to Webscape to make them full-text-search searchable as well.

Tabs Management

Instantly see which webpages are opened in your tabs and seamlessly jump to right tab.

Save Sessions

Makes it easier than ever before to save and reopen collections of webpages.


Webscape encrypts your data so you’re the only person who sees it.